Housing and Homeless Services

PIT 2023

The Northern Nevada 2023 Point in Time Count was conducted on January 26, 2023. Below please find the data for this year: 

1,605 total person counted
Increase of 85 total individuals compared to 2022 PIT Count
Decrease of 88 individuals in the unsheltered population 
Increase of 173 individuals in shelters and transitional housing
Gender breakdown of unsheltered people experiencing homelessness
(from those who provided a response)


The graph below outlines sheltered and unsheltered data from


Trend Analysis - The trends seen are likely due to three main reasons
  1. Coordination amongst Street Outreach providers to get people who are unsheltered into emergency shelter or housing has continued to improve.
  2. Emergency shelter bed availability results in decreased unsheltered homelessness numbers.
  3. A significant number of people who were staying in emergency shelter have been housed, 336 people have been exited from the Cares Campus to permanent housing since April 1, 2022.
To view additional PIT data from 2017-2023, please click here
To view City of Reno PIT data from 2021, please click here



Additional Information 

If you are interested in additional information on Point in Time Count (PIT) , please contact Washoe County Housing and Homeless Services at: RegionalHomelessServices@washoecounty.gov

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